Dubai: All kinds of creams and lotions used externally do not amount to a violation of the fast, according to a fatwa issued by the Dubai Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department (IACAD).

"Using creams or lotions on the skin, whether they are absorbed through the skin or not, and whether they are for treatment, moisturising, beautification or any other purpose, do not break the fast. Unless something is swallowed by the fasting person, he or she would be able to continue their fast," the fatwa stated.

The (IACAD) periodically releases edicts during the course of Ramadan to help allay concerns among people observing the fast about doing things in the spirit of the fast.

A flavour associated with a cream or lotion does not affect the fast as long as a person does not swallow a product.

The same applies to soaps, creams and other lotions that are used to beautify the face or applied to the skin, including henna, make-up and the like. There is nothing wrong with using them for one who is fasting, but make-up should be avoided if it is likely to arouse physical desire in others.

Muslim women should not use these kinds of beauty products during the days of Ramadan.

The fatwa has two reasons for this advice. Firstly, not using such products shows respect for the fasting month. Secondly, a person undertaking the fast could arouse worldly urges in another fasting person by using such products.

Avoid kohl during day

The use of kohl (traditional eye liner) is better avoided during Ramadan according to the fatwa. "It might reach the throat, according to the more correct of the two scholarly opinions. It is better to use it at night if one is fasting," the fatwa stated.