Dubai: The Dubai Maritime City Authority (DMCA) has announced new rules and initiatives concerning the deployment of navigation aids (navaids) as it focuses attention on safety in navigation channels and seeks to eliminate the risk of maritime accidents amid large-scale development across the emirate — including a number of off-shore projects.

Navaids are typically placed in busy maritime areas to assist passing vessels steer a safe course. They are designed to help vessels head in the right direction, warn them of treacherous waters or any imminent danger, or warn other vessels that a certain vessel has encountered a problem such as engine failure.

Navaids come in different forms such as lighthouses, beacons and buoys.

A No Objection Certificate (NOC) from DMCA will now be required of any entity that plans to deploy navaids in Dubai’s waters.

DMCA will also seek a detailed deployment plan and an annual maintenance plan for the navaids before they issue an NOC.

Monthly updates of the navigational aids will also have to be submitted to DMCA.

“Navigation aids are essential tools in our continuing efforts to maintain the safety of Dubai’s waters. This is particularly true as we are now witnessing numerous offshore projects and other large-scale development initiatives being undertaken across Dubai’s marinas,” said Ali Al Daboos, executive director of operations, Dubai Maritime City Authority.

“Moreover, Dubai’s marine corridors remain among the busiest in the world as the emirate continues to emerge as a major hub for global maritime trade. Navigation aids will therefore be greatly useful in aiding navigators in Dubai’s waters and to warn them of possible dangers or obstructions to navigation,” he added.

DMCA also plans to issue detailed maps for deployment of navigation aids in Dubai and distribute them to all stakeholders and relevant bodies.