Dubai: The Ministry of Environment and Water concluded a workshop on red tide and water desalination to upgrade the skills and capabilities of national cadres with regard to protecting environment and sea resources in the country.

The two-day workshop, titled "Red Tide and Water Desalination-Effects and management Strategy" was attended by 25 trainees representing 14 government bodies in addition to a number of private companies and organisations, including the UAE University, Federal Water and Electricity Authority, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority, Umm Al Quwain Water Department, Dubai Aluminium Company Limited (Dubal) and Fujairah Pure Water Company.

Dr. Mariam Hassan Al Shenasi, Executive Director for Technical Affairs at the ministry, said the workshop was held as part of the ministry's strategy to train and qualify Emirati cadres and enhance their capabilities to be able to protect environment and marine resources.

"It also comes within the framework of the ministry's responsibilities and duties to take all the necessary measures and utilise both the available assets and the latest scientific methods to protect the country's marine live from natural problem with negative impact on the marine environment or man-made marine disasters," Mariam said.

She added that the workshop was the first of its kind to be held in the region.

A number of experts in the field of environment, red tide and water desalination gave presentations on topics related to natural and man-made marine disasters and the effective scientific methods to deal with them.