Dubai: The Dubai Municipality has started using solar energy system to heat water in the large abattoirs in the emirate. 

The environment friendly system will eventually be extended to other abattoirs, an official from the Abattoirs Section of Public health Services told Gulf News

"We have started using solar system in the Al Qusais abattoir for heating water which we use to clean the slaughtering halls and equipment," said Ali Taher Al Hammadi, Head of Abattoir Operations, adding, "we would eventually like to extend it to other slaughter houses." 

The municipality has so far installed 210 solar panels that can heat 70,000 litres of water at 80 degrees daily. The new system will reduce the periods of operation of steam boilers, which will lead to preserve the environment and reduce operating expenses. 

Applying solar energy system will also help following green building standards. 

Ahmed Hassan Al Shammari, Head of Abattoirs Section of Public Health Services said the section has been using hot water at 65 degrees to clean the slaughtering halls, tools and equipment.

The water is heated using steam heaters to produce steam to heat the cold water in the thermal exchange unit. These boilers are powered by burning diesel fuel and chemicals needed to maintain the required levels of the elements within the permissible limits. 

The section is now installing solar panels and complete thermal exchange system and to connect it with the water heater system of abattoirs. 

Al Shammari said the section is confident about the benefits to be achieved by implementation of this project. It contributes effectively to reduce the consumption of diesel fuel, electricity to stove and run boilers, water consumption and chemicals for boiler water treatment, save the cost of boiler maintenance and reduce toxic gases emission produced by burning diesel.