Dubai: Emiratis were encouraged to consider more unconventional and creative job prospects at the second day of the Careers UAE 2013 exhibition yesterday.

The exhibition dedicated an art section called the ‘Creative Economy Programme’ to provide Emiratis with job opportunities through meeting with companies dedicated to the arts.

The companies told Gulf News that Emiratis have become more open to taking jobs related to the plastic arts but they are still resistant to take on career paths in the performing arts

“There are a lot of Emiratis who are into art but they go more towards the classical art and architecture, we are here to tell them that there is an option to pursue a career path in the performing arts and live well off it. I think that people still see performing arts in a traditional light but we do see Emirati rock bands and hip hop artists emerging. Developing Emiratis in art is fundamental, it is part of growing as a culture and developing as a country.” said Gonzalo Vergara, Senior Artist Booking Manager at The Fridge.

The Dubai Culture & Arts Authority (Dubai Culture), the Emirate’s dedicated Authority for culture, arts, and heritage, also highlighting the growing job opportunities for Emiratis in Dubai’s creative sector.

Khalid Al Doobi, Human Resources Director, Dubai Culture & Arts Authority, said: “Dubai Culture is reaching out to young Emiratis to be part of our diverse array of activities. Through our participation at Careers UAE, we are looking to build a talent pool of Emirati professionals, who can make significant contribution to further elevating Dubai’s status as the region’s cultural hub.”

Other companies that were available at the ‘Creative Economy Programme’ stand were Art Dubai, The Fridge, Sharjah Art Foundation, TwoFour54, Tashkeel and Portsmouth Group. The companies gave talks, performances and workshops that raised the awareness of the job opportunities available in the arts.