Dubai: A court yesterday acquitted an Omani visitor of kidnapping, raping and assaulting a woman but jailed him for one month for having sex with her.

The Dubai Court of First Instance found the 26-year-old suspect guilty of having sex with the 36-year-old Lebanese woman, who had claimed she was kidnapped, raped, molested and assaulted.

"He will be deported after spending a month in jail. The court has referred the woman's civil compensation claim to the Dubai Civil Court. The accused, A.K.'s, civil compensation claim against the woman has been rejected," said Presiding Judge Hamad Abdul Latif Abdul Jawad.

The Lebanese woman had earlier testified in court she was allegedly kidnapped by A.K., taken to a deserted spot where she claimed she was forcefully undressed, raped and molested after being beaten.

Presiding Judge Abdul Jawad Thursday cleared A.K. of kidnap, assault and sexual molestation.

Prosecutors accused him of kidnapping the Lebanese woman, Z.H., from Shaikh Zayed Road and driving off to a deserted area where she claimed he undressed, and raped her after he beat her.

When A.K. appeared in court he pleaded not guilty. "I am not guilty… I deny all charges," he contended.

According to the bill of charges, A.K. tricked Z.H. claiming that he would drop her to her car. Instead, he drove her against her will to Umm Al Quwain where he reportedly molested and raped her.

The primary ruling remains subject to appeal within 15 days.