Addictive products such as paan, supari and khaini chaini are attracting young children. The substances contain nicotine and other chemicals which could lead to serious diseases. Image Credit: Courtesy: Umm Al Quwain Police

Umm Al Quwain: Eighteen pupils aged six to 11, who had been found using illegal substances disguised in the form of chewing products are being monitored by the social police of Umm Al Quwain, Lieutenant Colonel Khamis Salem Bu Haroun, Director of Umm Al Quwain Police, told Gulf News on Monday.

Lieutenant Colonel Bu Haroun said that these illegal substances when mixed with certain materials could lead to addiction. The common types of these products that are widely consumed by pupils in primary schools are called paan, supari (betel leaves and nut) and khaini chaini (chewing tobacco).

"These substances are attracting pupils in the country," Bu Haroun said. "They pose a threat to our children,'' he added.

Bu Haroun explained the sequence as to how children use these products. Six-year-old pupils first use supari and then try khaini chaini, followed by paan. These products are mixed with flavours and colours and are on sale in the form of chewable products. The products contain nicotine and other chemicals which could cause serious diseases, like cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.

Bu Haroun said one of the students was found with illegal substances in his pocket. "When we asked the six-year-old pupil where he got these substances, he said innocently that his father had given them to him to sell to his friends in school for Dh2-6, depending on its type," Bu Haroun said.

Lieutenant Colonel Bu Haroun urged authorities to enact a law banning drug-like substances in the market. A large number of these products are marketed locally in the absence of laws to curb their use, he said.

"This should prompt authorities to act swiftly to control these products by enacting laws to include them among banned drug products," he said, adding that the use of such substances in the UAE has largely increased over the past year.

Bu Haroun urged parents to monitor their children and their behaviour. Once they notice their children behaving abnormally, they should take them to specialist doctors and seek the help of concerned authorities.

Umm Al Quwain police announced that it will team up with the Department of Economic Development to hold inspections in commercial premises which sell and promote these products, Bu Haroun said.

A hefty penalty will be imposed on any supermarket or premises that sell these products, he added.

The Umm Al Quwain police have organised awareness campaigns that explain the seriousness and the risks of these substances.

What's paan

The paan (betel leaf) is common to the Indian subcontinent. Lime is applied on the leaf before it is stuffed. Fillings include coconut, saffron and betel nut, cardamom, cloves, and sometimes tobacco. Khaini chaini is a narcotic substance, like tobacco to a large extent. Those who use it may feel dizzy and lack proper balance. It also causes psychological dependence due to its high nicotine content.