Dubai A manager faces three months in jail for using a spy-camera to breach his woman colleague’s privacy and secretly film her using the common washroom.

The Dubai Court of First Instance convicted the 37-year-old Syrian manager, F.S., of breaching the modesty and privacy of his 22-year-old Filipina coworker and attempting to molest her when he secretly filmed her using the bathroom.

“I am not guilty. I did not do that,” argued F.S. when he defended himself before in court.
“The accused will be deported after serving his jail term,” said Presiding Judge Hamad Abdul Latif Abdul Jawad in courtroom seven on Monday.

Prosecutors said F.S. fixed the spy-camera in the washroom and tried to take video footages of 22-year-old S.A. in the washroom. S.A. foiled his attempt when she discovered the pen-like camera fixed in the washroom.

“The confiscated apparatus is a pen-like camera… it could also be used as a flash memory. Experts at the forensic report examined the apparatus and confirmed that the photos were taken in 2007 meanwhile this case was reported in October 2011. This evidently proves that the case was lodged malevolently against F.S. Law enforcement officers coerced my client psychologically, mentally and financially to confess to a crime he did not commit.

“The confiscated apparatus could have been tampered with because anybody is capable of uploading photos to it. The claimant’s statement contradicts with the material evidence that prosecutors brought in against my client,” F.S.s lawyer defended in court.
S.A. said she discovered the black spy-camera connected to a screen and had a red light blinking when she used the washroom.

“I took it away and connected it to a laptop. I was shocked when I discovered that it is a camera and could be used as a flash memory. There were photos of my private parts,” claimed the Filipina.

Monday’s judgment remains subject to appeal within 15 days.