Dubai: A salesman received a three-month suspended imprisonment after handing a court a waiver from a businesswoman whom he threatened to kill.

The Dubai Court of First Instance found the 26-year-old Iranian salesman guilty of threatening to kill the 49-year-old Dutch businesswoman verbally.

"The accused, M.M. has been sentenced to three months in jail. The imprisonment will be suspended for a period of three years starting when the verdict becomes irrevocable," said Presiding Judge Hamad Abdul Latif Abdul Jawad in courtroom four yesterday.

"I am not guilty," argued M.M. when he defended himself in court.

His lawyer presented a written waiver obtained from the businesswoman, S.R., to Presiding Judge Abdul Jawad.

"The claimant has dropped her complaint. I ask the court to acquit my client," contended the lawyer when he defended M.M.

Charge sheet

According to the charge sheet, prosecutors said the accused threatened to kill S.R. and her uncle and to destroy her shop if she reported the police that he owed her money.

S.R. told prosecutors that the incident happened around 12.30pm.

"M.M. walked into my shop to discuss some pending financial matters between us… when the conversation evolved into a heated argument, he told me, ‘I will kill your uncle in Iran and I will kill you if you leave to Iran and I will destroy your shop if you report [this to] the police'," S.R. claimed in her prosecution statement.

The verdict is subject to appeal within 15 days.