Dubai: A Bangladeshi driver will be executed for leaving his countryman in a refrigerated truck for hours before slitting his neck in cold blood over a financial dispute.

The Dubai Court of First Instance handed the 23-year-old driver, M.C., a capital punishment after he was convicted of premeditated murder associated with theft.

"The court has unanimously agreed to hand out a death sentence against the accused," said Presiding Judge Maher Salama Al Mahdi upon pronouncing Wednesday's judgment.

Senior Chief Prosecutor Sami Al Shamsi, Head of Bur Dubai Prosecution, had asked the court to implement a capital punishment against M.C., who was charged with manslaughter associated with another crime.

Prosecutors said the accused planned the manslaughter after he deceivingly convinced his compatriot to meet him behind the Gold Souq to resolve their financial dispute.

When the victim arrived at a sandy spot, M.C. kicked him hard on his private parts and when the latter collapsed he locked him up inside the fish refrigerated truck four hours.

M.C. drove the freezer to Dubai-Al Ain Road, parked in front of a mosque, took out the victim, whose eyes were still blinking, then stabbed him in the back, chest and slit his neck.

When the defendant was brought out from the dock and heard the judgment, he did not blink or move. He remained still before he turned his back and walked back into the dock.

"I am not guilty. I did not intend to kill him. We beat up each other. I still cannot remember what really happened on that day because I was drunk. But we exchanged blows and assault each other," argued M.C. when he defended himself in court.

Prosecutors said the accused plotted the murder and bought a knife to carry out his attack. He was charged premeditatedly murdering his compatriot, M.Y., and stealing his mobile phone and wallet.

M.C. was additionally charged with threatening to kill M.Y.'s cousin, who informed the police after he discovered his cousin's absence.

An Emirati police lieutenant testified that the defendant was arrested over suspicion of involvement in the murder immediately after the cousin reported the police.

Records quoted M.C. claiming in his prosecution statement: "I met the deceased to give him money around 9:00pm. He cursed my mother when he learnt that I didn't buy him a return ticket. When I kicked him hard between his legs, he fell unconscious. I thought he died and kept him in the freezer. I stayed 20 minutes thinking what to do.

"When I opened the freezer's door, he was alive. I locked him inside because I was afraid to let him go as his brothers would cause me trouble back home. I bought a knife… then switched on the cooler to freeze his motion. I finished some business in Al Qouz then returned around midnight. I lay down in my bed until 1am. I drove the truck till I reached a mosque on Al Ain Road… I pulled the victim out from the freezer and his eyes were still blinking. I stabbed him thrice in his belly and chest and once in his back then slit his neck. I left him under a tree and away."

The cousin testified that the financial dispute developed after his cousin M.Y. paid Dh16,000 to M.C. to bring him to work in Dubai.

"I reported to the police that M.Y. had been missing for days. When I asked the defendant about my cousin, he got angry and threatened to kill me," said the cousin.

The primary verdict remains subject to appeal within 15 days.