Image Credit: Gulf News

Ajman: A couple of five months old babies have died on Sunday and the cause of death is suspected to be from inhaling fumes from pesticides that was sprayed in a neighbour's apartment.

The children's father, Al Hassan Ali Bakr, told the local Arabic newspaper Al Ittihad, that his family fell sick on Friday and immediately went to hospital for treatment. 

Bakr said that they noticed a strong odor coming from the apartment adjacent to the one his family lives in Al Nuaimiya area in Ajman but did not know that it was pesticide.

On Sunday evening, this three triplets – Suhail, Ali, and Hala – fell extremely ill and turned pale. 

Suhail and Ali died on the way to hospital while Hala was taken to the intensive care unit at Khalifa Hospital in Ajman. 

Doctors at the hospital were able to stabilise her and she was released in good condition later on, Al Ittihad reported.

Bakr said that he came to know later on that his neighbour had sprayed his apartment with pesticides on Thursday. 

The neighbour then left the apartment on the same day it seems because the pesticide company had asked him to stay away from his apartment for two days.  However, the neighbour failed to inform anyone about the matter.

Ajman Police is investigating the incident and blood samples were taken from all family members. Samples of the pesticide are also being examined. 

Police say that results of the report will be released on Tuesday.