Dubai: Inspectors from the Dubai Municipality, in cooperation with Dubai Police, have arrested 282 street vendors, beggars other unlicensed workers in the emirate in March, the head of Markets Department at Dubai Municipality said on Monday.

Ebrahim Obeid Marzouqi also said that the arrests resulted in the seizure of several low-quality goods and pirated CDs. 

He said that those arrested include 196 street vendors, 63 beggars, 20 car washers and three illegal butchers and fish cleaners.

A total of 2,932 counterfeit products, including ready-made garments, perfumes, cameras, and watches, were confiscated.

Marzouki added that 2,043 DVDs with pirated films, 85 pornographic movies, in addition to 8.2 tons of food items, including 121 boxes of fruits and vegetables, were seized last month.

Those arrested would be handed over to the Dubai Naturalization and Residency Department for deportation in coordination with Dubai Police. The seized goods would be destroyed and disposed of safely after legal actions are taken against the violators.