Dubai: A singer has been accused of killing his band’s drummer by stabbing him through the heart because he stopped drumming during a song at a workers’ party.

The 27-year-old Pakistani singer, NJ, was said to be singing in a small party at a labour accommodation in June 2009 and when his countryman HK, the drummer, suddenly stopped playing.

The case did not surface at Dubai courts until Sunday because the suspect was only repatriated from Pakistan earlier this year.

Records said NJ had invited a friend to the party. When the friend arrived, HK stopped drumming.

NJ got angry and asked HK to continue drumming along with the music and his singing to welcome M.G., according to prosecution records.

When the drummer turned deaf ears and walked out of the party, NJ decided to kill him.

According to the accusation sheet, the 27-year-old went to the victim’s residence and stabbed him through the heart, killing him.

Chief Prosecutor Khaled al Zarouni said the defendant was driven by anger when he killed the drummer.

The defendant knocked on the drummer’s door then asked him to come out, and when HK came out NJ took out the knife from under his clothes and cut him down.

“No, I am not guilty. I did not stab the victim… I was not there and I don’t know anything about this case,” NJ said when he defended himself before the Dubai Court of First Instance.

Prosecution records said the defendant absconded from the UAE shortly after the incident. The suspect was repatriated from Pakistan through Interpol and diplomatic channels. The Pakistani police handed him over to the UAE earlier this year.

An Emirati police sergeant testified that several workers informed him that the singer and the drummer brawled during the party.

“Witnesses claimed that HK refused to continue drumming and welcome MG [the singer’s friend]. The suspect and the victim had a heated argument on stage. Witnesses alleged that they heard NJ pointing at the guest and telling HK, ‘Don’t you know who is he and where he comes from?’

“HK was then said to have left the party and went to sleep. Primary interrogations said those who were present tried to calm NJ down. Several workers were detained for further questioning following the incident. They testified that angry NJ and MG and others rushed to HK’s residence that was 20 minutes walking distance from the party place. Some witnesses claimed that NJ took refuge at their residence after he stabbed the victim. He is also believed to have run away to Abu Dhabi and friends helped him leave the country to Oman,” said the sergeant.

Prosecution records said the defendant’s brother cooperated with Dubai Police to help them track down his brother.

Records said NJ failed to stab HK on the first attempt, but he chased him and stabbed him through the heart.

Presiding judge Mohammad Jamal said the court will appoint a lawyer to defend the suspect when it reconvenes on September 15.