Inactive connection
I would like to raise a serious complaint against the service given to me by etisalat. On June 10, I applied at the etisalat counter in Al Ghusais, Dubai for their new eLife package. I was given a password access card and my account number. I was told that within two working days my eLife installation will be done.

After two days I received a call from one of the technicians to get my home address. I informed them of my new address though it was very strange that they were at my old residence. I had moved one year ago.

After informing the technician, they told me that they could not come and I have to call etisalat customer service and register a new complaint.

The very next day I again visited the counter in Al Ghusais and they informed me that the address given by me in their system was the new address and they did not know why the technician went to the old place.

They told me that a normal installation time frame is 14 working days and if they don’t come by then I would need to call the etisalat customer service number to register a complaint. I then waited for 14 days but didn’t receive any call from etisalat.

On June 26 — 16 days after initially registering a complaint — I called up the customer service number and registered a complaint. They informed me that after the complaint is booked it will take another two working days for the technician to call and do the installation.

I waited for two days but there was still no sign of them, then again on the third day (June 30) I called up the customer service number to check on the service. Again, they informed me that my complaint is already with the technician and it will be done by July 1, but until now I have received no call from etisalat.

On July 6, again, I called up customer service and they informed me that the complaint is with the technician and they are looking into this.  It has now been 25 days since registering for etisalat’s service but I haven’t received any response from them.
From Mr Randell Pereira

The management of etisalat responds:
Kindly be informed that Mr Pereira’s issue has been resolved. The line has been installed and works fine.

Mr Pereira responds:
Kindly note, that the installers from etisalat came on Thursday, July 22, in the morning and have done the installation for the phone and internet lines.

However, the phone line has started working but the internet is still not fixed. When I called etisalat they informed me that my internet password is still not activated since there is a problem with my user name and they have forwarded my request to their IT team.

I have been following up with them since Thursday July 22, but all requests are in vain.

The management of etisalat responds:
Kindly be informed that Mr. Pereira’s issue has been resolved with customer confirm.

Mr Pereira responds:
Kindly note that my internet problem is still not fixed and I have never confirmed anything to etisalat that my problem is resolved.

I am still waiting for the technician to visit my place and solve this problem and was even given a new complaint number from etisalat customer service on July 26.
Please investigate my case further as I have not received any call or a technician at my place.

Mr Pereira updates:
I got a call from an etisalat person on August 11. He informed me to go to the Al Tawar Center in Al Ghusais and meet the manager in charge and call him from there.

As soon as I got this call, within half an hour I reached there and spoke to the manager. I made the call and gave the phone to the manager. Finally the manger informed me to go and get another password from the sales counter. I did and the sales person told me that after one hour my internet will start working, but I tried after two hours and still the same problem.

I called up the etisalat technician who visited my place four days ago and informed him that I got a new password if it’s possible for him to come to my place.

Luckily he dropped in at my place and tried all the possible ways to connect to the internet but still all was in vain.

He called up his support team office and they informed him that everything is fine from the technical aspect. Now everything has to do with IT configuration and they have already sent an email to their IT department on June 26, but they are not getting any response.

To my surprise I got my statement of account for eLife service and they have charged me for the internet service when I’m not using it. It has been almost two months since I am going through all this trouble.

The management of etisalat responds:
Kindly be informed that Mr. Pereira’s issue was solved. Wireless configuration explained over phone and it works fine.

Mr Pereira responds:
Kindly note as of August 17 my internet connection has been restored and everything seems to be working fine. I would sincerely like to thank you [Gulf News] and your staff for the help and support you all have given me throughout this problem with etisalat.

Unable to return

I booked a return ticket to Assiut in Egypt for a delivery boy who works in my husband’s restaurant. The booking was done through their website with my credit card.
I received the ticket and the delivery boy travelled on June 11, 2010 and he was supposed to come back on July 12, but did not because flydubai’s system made a mistake and they picked up the name of the credit card holder and had it as the passenger so he was not entitled to travel though he had a ticket with his name and used it for the outbound.

I called their customer service number and spoke to them more than six times since and was told that I will be approached by the follow up team who tried to call me only once.

I called them back and they told me to expect a call again from the follow up team. I am waiting for this call and no one has called. I continued calling them, too.
I am really upset and my husband is, too, because we are losing money as we do not have our delivery boy.
From Ms Ameera Abu Yousuf

The management of flydubai responds:
We are concerned to hear about the problems experienced by your reader Ms Yousuf when booking flights with flydubai for her driver.

At flydubai we want our customers to have a good experience when travelling with us. However, from time to time things can go wrong. This is the case with Ms Yousuf.
Having conducted a thorough investigation into the incident, we are clear that mistakes were made on our part. For that reason we are giving Ms Yousuf a full refund of the amount she paid for the flights.

We thank Ms Yousuf and Gulf News for bringing this to our attention and allowing us the opportunity to put things right.

Ms Yousuf responds:
Thanks for your email and confirmation on following up on this case
This is true. I was contacted by flydubai and was told that I will have a voucher with the full amount back. When I came back to office I found an email that stated the same. I am pleased with their response.

Editor’s note: If you have similar consumer complaints, send them to