Manama: Qatar's public sector employees earn almost three times as much as people working in the private sector, a survey has indicated.

The average monthly pay package in the government sector is QR14,631 ($4,006), while the average private sector is QR5,391 ($1,476), according to the Labour Force Sample Survey conducted by Qatar Statistic Authority (QSA).

Gulf nationals have invariably favoured the public sector for its association with shorter working hours, longer holidays and lighter workload with a deep-rooted conviction that the government sector is a job for life with almost no risk of losing it.

According to the study, the average monthly salary in Qatar is QR7,800 ($2,136). However, men continue to make more money than women with average incomes of QR8,484 ($2,323) and QR6,106 ($1,672), respectively, according to the survey conducted last year.

The average monthly pay package of ‘legislators, senior officials and managers’ was QR27,616 ($7,561), Qatari daily The Peninsula said.

Professionals had an average of QR15,186 ($4,156), plant and machine operators had a pay package of QR2,329 ($638). Skilled agricultural workers drew an average monthly salary of QR3,118 ($854)