Manama: Qatar authorities are taking steps to address a severe shortage of Qatari nationals in the country's communication field.

Under a plan to encourage citizens to take up jobs with the local press, at least eight Qatari graduates in mass communication of different specialisations, including graphics and production, will be hired by the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage annually.

The plan to employ Qataris has already been submitted to the government for approval, the Peninsula daily reported on Tuesday.

The Qataris, regardless of whether they graduated from Qatar University or from other foreign universities, colleges and institutions inside the country or abroad, will be encouraged to join the local press and will have the same salary and job status as other Qatari graduates.

Local news papers will keep evaluating the performance of their Qatari staff and report to the publication department of the Ministry for on a monthly basis for one year.

Newspapers can implement rules and regulations like other organisations regarding the work and discipline of their Qatari employees.

Under the plan, Qatari students studying journalism in Qatar University or foreign universities and colleges in the country will be given a chance to work during the holidays while Qatari staff working with local press as part timers will be able to pursue their job as full timers in the same institution. The ministry also suggested giving incentives to local newspapers that employ Qatari journalists.

An annual budget will be allocated for the training of Qatari journalists working with local press. The training is likely to be provided by the Al Jazeera Training Center and similar centers and institutions in the country.