Manama: The Doha Centre for Media Freedom (DCMF) has called for support for media institutions affected by the floods in Pakistan.

DCMF has announced it is contributing to the efforts of the Pakistani Federal Journalists Union, which has launched a special fund, as well as other organisations, such as the BBC, to provide material support and short term additional support in cash and working tools, Qatari media reported on Tuesday.

The floods, which ravaged one fifth of Pakistan this summer and left millions homeless, also affected journalists and the newspaper premises at the Swat valley.

Three months on, they are still lacking computers, printing machines and other equipment. What's more, the premises has been destroyed.

The surviving journalists are finding it very difficult to keep the public updated.

"They need generators and money to cover fuel cost, restore premises and pay salaries, in brief, to continue informing the country and the world about the inventory on the ground, where, despite the international support, the situation remains worrying, especially with winter becoming increasingly apparent in this valley, where temperature often drops below zero degrees Celsius."

DCMF said donations could be made to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ).