Image Credit: Gulf News

Muscat: An Indian film festival, which will include a retrospective of the movies of celebrated Indian film maker Prakash Jha, is to be held next month in Oman.

The festival, organised by Trinity Investment Partners, will be held at the Indian Embassy auditorium, will raise funds for the Indian School Jalan.

The event will feature 13 Indian films, including four of Jha’s, all of which deal with social issues affecting Indian society - Daamul (Bonded until Death), Parinati (The Inevitable), Gangaajal (The Holy Weapon), and Mrityudand (Death Sentence) will be screened between October 3- 6.

“Jha will also conduct a workshop on October 7 and will be speaking to Indian school children to help budding directors understand the nuances of the film industry,” said Mahesh Verma, President of Trinity Investment Partners, who is co-ordinating the retrospective.

Planning for the event, which was the initiative of Indian Ambassador Anil Wadhwa, began as far back as the beginning of the year.

Jha already visited Muscat in June, along with the major stars from his latest film, Raajneeti, to participate in a fund raising event which was held at the Grand Hyatt.

Indian Ambassador Anil Wadhwa, told how the Indian School in Jalan has been given land by Omani authorities, in order to construct a new school. However it now requires further donations in order to complete the building.

“Jha and the community in Oman have worked closely over the last two years in support of several issues, including the rehabilitation of the flood-affected victims in Bihar during the floods of 2008, pointed out Verma. The new village, constructed with the funds raised in Oman, is to be called ‘Oman Anubhooti’. Oman has also helped in raising funds for a hospital that will be built in Bihar, to treat the poor.