Manama: A Kuwaiti lawmaker has called for the appointment of religious attachés in Kuwaiti embassies in non-Muslim countries.

"The attaché should be appointed by the endowment and Islamic affairs ministry in the various Kuwaiti embassies," MP Mohammad Al Hayef said.

"In this capacity, he will highlight Islamic values in those countries and help Muslim minorities there better appreciate Islam," he said.

The attaché, with the same status as the culture or media attachés, would assist Kuwaiti charity work and address the issues they face in providing assistance to needy people.

"The attaché will be able to appreciate the problems of Muslims in those countries and offer advise in solving problems," Al Hayef said.

The attaché must have a degree from a religious university and must have worked as an imam in a mosque.

The Islamic affairs ministry should pay for all his expenses, just like the education ministry is looking after cultural attachés and the information ministry taking care of information attachés, Al Hayef said.

Several countries have appointed religious attachés, reportedly for roles that do not differ dramatically from those by cultural officers in performing public diplomacy and strengthening links.