Manama: Kuwait's Emir Shaikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah has pledged there will be zero tolerance towards any attempts to undermine his country's stability and social cohesion.

Al Sabah urged his fellow citizens to keep up the noble traditions inherited from their ancestors, saying he would not accept any attempt to divide society for any reason.

"God has given us a lot of bounty for which we fully praise Him,” Al Sabah said in a speech marking the last 10 days of Ramadan, as reported by Kuwait News Agency (KUNA).

“Among the signs of deep gratitude, we should adhere to the teachings of Islam and carry on the good traditions of the ancestors," he said.

"We also have to stand firm in the face of those who try to harm the beloved homeland through the dissemination of sectarian or tribal sedition and intolerance."

Al Sabah said painful developments in the Muslim world called for strong acts of solidarity and compassion.

"Our Muslim world lives a painful reality that compels us as Muslims to stand together in the face of the mounting challenges,” he said.

“We feel great grief over the unprecedented disaster of the floods in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which claimed thousands of lives and made millions of people homeless.

"Kuwait reacted promptly as usual in such humanitarian crises. It offered all possible assistances to Pakistan and raised funds for the victims of the floods with all citizens and residents in Kuwait hurrying to provide assistance. I would like to thank all those who contributed to the success of the relief effort for Pakistan."