Manama: A draft law on mandatory national military service in Kuwait will soon be submitted by the government to the parliament for a final decision, a Kuwaiti daily reported.

Under the suggested law, Kuwaiti men aged between 20 and 30 will have to serve between six months and one year in the army.

Students, single sons and the members of the diplomatic corps will be exempted from the national service while handicapped and people with other disabilities will have to serve in military administrations, Al Siyassah said

Wages will be given to the recruits, but the amount will be decided by the government and the parliament.

The draft states that the purpose of the military service is to encourage Kuwaitis to help meet the requirements of the defense ministry for people to defend the country against possible threats.

The new law would supplant a law that was suspended in 2001 by the parliament upon a suggestion by the government.

"The new draft has addressed the deficiencies and negative points in the former law. It has mainly boosted the sense of allegiance to the nation and the bolstered their political, social and moral responsibilities towards themselves, their families and their country," the paper said.