Image Credit: Gulf News

Manama: Bahrain has declared nationals from neighbouring countries persona non grata after they attended an unlicensed training workshop, the interior ministry said.

"We are taking legal measures against people from neighbouring countries after they secretly took part in unlicensed workshops and programmes in Bahrain through the Bahrain Human Rights Society," the ministry said. "These trainees are currently considered persona non grata in Bahrain."

The ministry did not name the trainees or the neighbouring countries, but said that it welcomed their law-abiding citizens.

"Bahrain welcomes the citizens of brotherly and friendly countries provided they complied with the regulations and avoided violations that could tarnish Bahrain and their countries," the ministry said.

Bahrain in August pledged to take action against any group or formation, regardless of its purposes, that did not abide by the local laws.

Earlier this month, the social development ministry suspended the board of the Bahrain Human Rights Society for allegedly favouring one sect over the other and failing to achieve national neutrality, a charge that the society has rejected and prompted it to take legal action against the ministry.