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Letting your troubles wash away in serene surroundings is something we should all be privy to in these stressful modern times. Bearing this in mind, we discover the essential calm bathroom formula.

Jazzy colours and busy lines have no place here. The key is to replicate nature as much
as possible, so calm ocean blues and dusky greys are much more appropriate, as are smooth, organic forms. Elementary shapes play a fundamental role in the workings of a stress-free zone and Hansgrohe’s Citterio collection fits this kind of set-up perfectly. Harmony equals relaxation, and this range unifies angles and curves almost seamlessly.

As far as materials are concerned, there are plenty of options: stone, granite, two-tone marbles and smooth-grained woods do the job perfectly. Lighting should be as natural as possible. An abundance of glass makes
for cunning light trickery, while mirrors are great tools to reflect and make small spaces appear bigger.
Unnecessary ornamentation and flourishes should banished to other bathrooms. Instead, subtle details can be added in the form of sleek stainless steel fixtures, token pebbles and light floral arrangements. White orchids are an ideal addition, as Atlantis’ suites convey. Creating
a truly serene scene means less really is more, so the key is to not get carried away.

Japanese design and architectural influences take the lead when choosing Zen products for a relaxing environment. Feng shui is also a helpful guide, and working in accordance with its philosophy will ensure a heightened sense of balance.

Transforming a bathroom into somewhere that lets you forget the day’s troubles can be a wholly satisfying and uplifting project; discovering the style of space that makes you relax then reaping the benefits of your very own haven is priceless. We all have our own take on tranquillity, but as long as you use nature as your muse and keep it simple, the result is bound to be individual, inspired, and beautifully calm.