Ashtangasana Image Credit: Francois Nel /Gulf News

Ashtangasana, also know as the Eight-Limbed Pose or the Caterpillar Pose, is usually practised as a transitional posture in Surya Namaskar, or Sun salutations. It can, however, be practised on its own. One of its many benefits is that it stimulates the solar plexus, increasing the energy level in the body.

Shown here is a variation of Ashtangasana.


  • Come in to Plank Pose (see Step 1).
  • Lower knees and then chest and chin to floor.
  • Slightly transfer weight to the right, raise left leg off floor, pushing foot skywards.
  • While maintaining balance, take right hand off floor and hold left ankle. Raise left leg higher by pushing it against right hand. This is the final position.
  • Maintain posture for up to one minute, breathing normally. Release ankle and lower leg. Repeat on the other side.


  • It stretches the neck and the shoulders.
  • It strengthens the arms and the upper body.
  • It strengthens and tones the back.
  • It provides a deep stretch to the abdomen and tones the abdominal muscles.
  • It increases flexibility in the hip joint and the lower back.


Avoid this posture if you have a recent injury to the wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees or the back.


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