Symptoms of gastroenteritis include diarrhoea, stomach cramps, nausea, low fever and vomiting. Image Credit: Getty Images

A tummy bug is a common name for gastroenteritis - also referred to as a stomach virus, or stomach flu.

It refers to irritation of the stomach lining and the intestines, caused by a virus, bacteria, a parasite or poisoning by a food-borne illness.

If it is viral, gastroenteritis will usually last for one or two days and then ease off naturally. If bacterial or parasitical, it may last longer and will possibly need medication.

Symptoms include diarrhoea, stomach cramps, nausea, low fever (37.7C) and vomiting. In serious cases, symptoms might develop to include blood in the vomit or the stool, vomiting for more than 48 hours, fever of higher than 40C, abdominal swelling or pain and dehydration.

Patients with blood in their vomit or stools should see a doctor immediately. Fever and abdominal pain also indicates a serious infection and should be seen by a doctor. A main issue is dehydration - especially important to monitor in children and elderly patients.


Dr Srinath P. Dore is a specialist gastroenterologist and hepatologist at Al Zahra Hospital, Sharjah (www.alzahra.com).

He says: "The most common gastroenteritis infections are caused by viruses - such as Norovirus, which causes more than half of all cases in adults, and Rotavirus, which is common in infants, bacteria, such as Ecoli, and parasites, such as Giardia.

"Viruses don't need treatment and usually settle down with probiotics, like Acidophilus or healthy bacteria drinks, oral rehydration and, in extreme cases, hospital admission for intravenous fluids.

"Bacterial infections require antibiotics. The most common bacteria for abdominal discomfort is Helicobacter Pylori, which is responsible for most ulcers and many cases of chronic gastritis. Diagnosis is done through a stool test, a urea breath test and an endoscopy. This infection has kept gastroenterologists busy in the last few years as it can cause cancer of the stomach. Treatment requires antibiotics and medication to suppress acidity for 10 to 14 days. Some patients may require further courses of antibiotics. Avoid self-medication, especially of antibiotics, as this may lead to a resistant infection, which can be hard to eradicate."

Colon hydrotherapist

Kay Vosloo is a nutritionist and colon hydrotherapist at Synergy Integrated Medical Centre (04-3485452).

She says: "Gastroenteritis can be caused by a number of different factors, including food poisoning, viral infection, alcohol intoxication, sensitivity to drugs and certain food allergies. So it's best to rule out the possible cause before trying to treat it.

"Sometimes conventional intervention is needed if it is acute gastroenteritis. If not, we can try and ease the symptoms and healing in a more natural way, by avoiding foods that aggravate the stomach, such as spicy foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol, wheat, dairy, red meat and all junk food.

"I would advise a diet of lightly steamed vegetables, with no added sauces or flavourings, with some brown rice to soothe the stomach. Adding some slices of fresh ginger and lemon to warm boiled water and drinking it as a tea is also thought to be very soothing.

"If symptoms persist, try having one or two colon hydrotherapy treatments to rehydrate and remove toxins from the body, while soothing and retraining the digestive system."

Ayurvedic doctor

Dr Deepa Dhavjekar is an Ayurvedic doctor at the Thai Privilege Spa (04-3489679, www.thaiprivilegespadubai.com).

She says: "A stomach bug can be caused by several viruses. However, indigestion and stress can also lead to acute stomach upset. A few natural remedies include:

  • Bananas: Not only are they known to soothe stomachs, but bananas are also an excellent source of potassium, which you need when suffering from a bout of diarrhoea. Bananas are also easily digested by the body and very convenient.
  • Ginger: Drinking ginger tea, or chewing a piece of ginger, can relieve symptoms of stomach upset. Ginger has been used to cure diarrhoea since ancient times. Now scientists have proved ginger helps by preventing stomach spasms and reducing gases.
  • Bael fruit: Bael fruit tea is recommended as it is a coolant and a rich source of Vitamin C. It's very good for people who eat junk food, which takes time to digest and stagnates the system.

"Avoid foods such as cauliflower, fried foods, onions, coffee and baked beans. If symptoms persist, seek advice from a medical professional."

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