Step 1 (Clint Egbert/Gulf News) Image Credit: Clint Egbert/Gulf News

Dealing with sciatica and the discomfort caused by it is not only an irritating but a very tiring process. Sciatica occurs when there is pressure or damage to the sciatic nerve. This nerve starts in the lower spine and runs down the back of each leg. The pain is generally accentuated when walking or standing. The cause of sciatica varies due to various factors from spinal disc herniation or spinal stenosis to sciatica caused due to pregnancy or even self inflicted sciatica ie sciatica that results from lifestyle habits.

Yoga for sciatica along with strengthening the spine and relieving inflammation also stimulates the nervous system, helping it cope with the pain. Yoga poses, combined with appropriate breathing techniques and meditation, prove extremely effective as its multidimensional approach addresses all aspects of your health and thereby also improves the functioning of individual organs as our body’s various systems are interconnected and interdependent.

The effectiveness of yoga varies depending on the cause, but it’s strengthening, healing benefits, as well as the relief it offers are universal irrespective of the cause of sciatica.

Note: Though these postures are easy to do and can be done by all at home, as with all exercise, it’s advisable to consult a doctor before starting them.


Titaliasan (Butterfly Pose)


1. Sit straight with your legs spread wide in front of you.

2. Bend your knees, place your feet together and hold your feet with your hands.

3. Pull them as close to your body as you can so that you feel the stretch.

4. You move your knees up and down as high and low as you can.

Note: Beginners can use cushions to support the knees.



1. The butterfly pose is good for the spine and lower back as well as your hip joints. It relieves any pain associated with sciatica.

2. It strengthens the muscles of your hips and legs and makes your hamstrings more flexible.

3. The Butterfly Pose helps to open up the hips and genital areas and is very good for pregnant women with frequent sciatic pain. Regular practice of this posture can help in easing the pain associated with natural childbirth.

4. This posture is also beneficial to the kidneys, bladder, prostate gland, and ovaries.



If one is suffering from spinal injury or experiences pain or discomfort in the knees and hips while performing the posture, please consult your doctor and yoga teacher to know if it is safe for you to do this pose.