4 large eggs
1 tbsp plain yogurt
1 tsp mustard
garlic clove
salt and pepper


1. Place eggs in a saucepan large enough to hold them in single layer.

2. Add cold water to cover eggs by 1 inch. Heat over high heat just to boiling.

3. Remove from the stove and cover the saucepan. Let the eggs stand in hot water (15 minutes for extra large eggs,
12 minutes for large eggs or 9 minutes for medium eggs)

4. Peel the eggs. Using a sharp knife, slice each egg in half, lengthwise.

5. Gently remove the yolk halves and place in a small mixing bowl. Arrange the egg white halves on a serving platter.

6. Using a fork, mash up the yolks and add mustard, yogurt, crushed garlic and season with salt and pepper.

7. Spoon egg yolk mixture into the egg white halves and serve.

Tip: Fresher eggs are harder to peel. So if you want to make the peeling experience easier, try using eggs that have been in your fridge for a couple of days.

Compiled by Evangeline Jose, Community Solutions Editor