RDS_140127 READERS (Repoter Donia will provide the name) Participants during the live debate at Gulfnews office

I think social media activism does make a difference in its ability to proliferate a message. People who are otherwise unaware of the issues happening in their community or around the world are suddenly exposed to major issues and the opinions that come with them. Although we often hear about ‘slacktivism’ a term often associated with social media activism, we can’t discredit the power of knowledge and information. Wisdom of the masses very much exists, all we need to do is inform the general public and watch justice blossom. Maybe a few thousand more will sign that petition or go to that protest.

From Mr Ahmad K.


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I think social media activism does make a difference and in most cases, it is in a good way. However, I believe some coverage tends to exploit the situation and only makes it worse. With that in mind, sometimes less coverage is needed to prevent riots like what we witnessed in the case of Ferguson.

From Ms Susie Marx


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Remember #Chapelhillshootings and #Ferguson? People all over the world would not have heard about these incidents 10 years ago, but in our era, a collective unity and use of a specific hashtag speaks volume, and does wonders.

From Ms Soumaya Libdi


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It does not make a difference because as soon as the hashtags stop trending, it is as if nothing ever happened. How many of those who joined the ALS ice bucket challenge are still talking about ALS or even remember what it stands for? Similarly, everyone stopped being Charlie and went back to being themselves...

From Ms Amina Ayoub

Abu Dhabi

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It does impact as it allows you to communicate with a large number of people in only a few seconds and at minimal costs. However, the biggest issue is the speed that at times, people may misinterpret what you are actually saying.

From Ms Marvi Masoud


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It only raises temporary activism and is not long lasting at all — kind of like a trend. However, the good thing about social media activism is that a lot of people join in to help spread awareness on the basis that everyone else on their news feed is doing it.

From Allan R.


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Social media activism definitely makes a differences and it is evident in how addicted we are to it.

From Ms Timothy Mathews


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Social media activism may not make a direct impact, but it definitely shapes popular opinion. In addition, where any resemblance of democracy exists — political action is sure to follow to a certain degree. The greatest mistake that social activists make is to follow poor anonymous practices.

From Mr Mohammad Sarfraz


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It is only effective with those people who can use it. However, it definitely does make a difference and leaves a trace in our mind.

From Mr Mohammad Anis


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It is not always about making physical change as simply raising awareness and making people aware of the things that are happening around us can do wonders. It is important that we make the best use of this powerful tool that is reaching new heights on a daily basis — something that would not have been possible back in the day. A post or a tweet travels to all corners of the world and is only a click away, so why not do something instead of nothing at all?

From Ms Sara Khouri



Social media activism creates awareness but that is about it. It does not actually make a difference other than creating a big hype that is soon to be forgotten. Hashtags start trending, tweets are retweeted and posts are shared but that is as far as social media activism goes.

From Mr Saud Esmail

Brisbane, Australia

Social media is currently the strongest medium of interacting with the public because people will blindly believe whatever is raised, irrespective of if it is true or false. It fosters activism and is the best platform to raise an issue that needs awareness.

From Ms Sterlin Sebastian


On a bigger scale, it does not achieve much but it is one step further and that is all that counts. As opposed to 20 years ago when social media was not in the picture, we have got very far and being one step closer to change is better than nothing at all.

From Ms Fatme Al Faraj

Social media fosters activism on a daily basis and that is the farthest that we have ever been in the quest of making changes. Social media is a powerful tool if it is used in the right manner. Trends and hashtags are constantly brought up with regards to real life happenings.

From Mr Salah Al Marzouqi

Brisbane, Australia

— Compiled by Donia Jenabzadeh/Community Web Editor