Dubai: The 2013 Emirates Rugby Long Lunch on Thursday was declared another huge success. Over 750 guests filled the Al Ras Ballroom at the Intercontinental Event Centre, and were highly entertained by the star speakers, Bobby Skinstad of South Africa and England’s Will Greenwood.

The two Rugby World Cup winners — Will with England in 2003, and Bobby with The Springboks in 2007 — shared hilarious anecdotes from their playing days, and earned huge ovations from the audience.

They also did a question and answer session for guests, and signed autographs throughout the afternoon.

“It’s been a pleasure to be involved with such a great event, and meet so many enthusiastic rugby fans who have come along,” said Bobby. “I hope to see them again in November when I return for the Emirates Dubai Rugby Sevens, which I love.”

Will said: “A great event, and a superb atmosphere. It was a pleasure to be invited to be part of it, and I’ve been made incredibly welcome.”