Dubai: The Non-Violence Project, a global initiative that works to counter the use of violence as a method of conflict resolution, will soon be opening its first regional office in Dubai.

On September 22, The Capital Club, a leading Dubai private business club and member of the ENSHAA group of companies, will be hosting the Project’s first official foray into Dubai.

The evening event, called “Tomorrow’s Leaders: Warriors or Peace Negotiators?” is an opportunity to learn more about the Project’s history, and how to become involved in its extensive range of programmes.

Supported by Lionel Messi, Yoko Ono and Sir Paul McCartney, among others, the Project’s mission is to engage young people on how to resolve conflicts peacefully.

Emma Cullen, The Capital Club’s general manager, said that by supporting such initiatives, the Club aims to continue to make a positive impact in the community.

In its 20-year history, the Project has “empowered over five million students, teachers, and sports coaches in 20 countries to embrace non-violent solutions to the challenges of the modern world”, according to a statement.

Its educational programmes “give youth the tools needed to develop trust, compassion and sound judgement — helping them to focus their energy into creating fantastic non-violent solutions”, it added.

Cullen said: “The global prevalence of violence, particularly amongst the youth, is one of the biggest challenges that the world faces today, which is why empowering the younger generation to find non-violent solutions to the countless conflict ridden situation they face is so vitally important.”

She added: “For this reason we are both extremely pleased and excited to be able to welcome the Non-Violence Project to Dubai. Their programmes are making a tangible difference in the way young people interact with each other and the world at large and we look forward to seeing their positive influence on the people of the UAE and the region.”