Dubai: The Dubai Taxi Corporation (DTC), an arm of the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), has honoured 153 taxi drivers under the Driver Performance Assessment System for their work in the third quarter of last year.

The recognition ceremony was held at Al Ittihad Rest House at DTC premises, and was attended by Dr Yousuf Al Ali, CEO of Dubai Taxi Corporation.

“The DTC attaches considerable attention to distinguished drivers and allocates an annual budget of about Dh2 million as rewards for them under a system that selects drivers on the basis of excellent results achieved in delivering services to customers,” said Al Ali.

The DTC rewards cab drivers on a quarterly basis — worth Dh500,000 each time — in an effort to upgrade their service levels.

The assessment system is based on daily performance results and the rate of accidents and offences.

“Accordingly, best-performing drivers will be rewarded and poor-performing drivers will be trained,” said Al Ali.

Out of more than 11,000 taxi drivers in the city, 153 cabbies were rewarded for the third quarter of last year. Four drivers were granted cash rewards of Dh10,000 each, 49 drivers were granted Dh5,000 each, and 95 drivers were granted Dh2,000 each.

In the Best Improved Performance category, five drivers were rewarded with Dh2,000 in cash each.

“We are continuously following up the performance of cab drivers and appreciate the distinguished efforts they put which contribute to bringing services to the public and customers at par with the highest international standards,” said Al Ali.

The assessment of drivers’ performance is also based on several parameters that include honesty, customer complaints, daily income per kilometre, accidents and traffic fines.