NEW ORLEANS: Google is one of the major US corporations researching the power of colour in the working world, in everything from workspaces to marketing and branding.

Meghan Casserly, spokeswoman for the US-based organisation built around the popular search engine, says Google is still early in its research but has already found “a clear link between colour and satisfaction with a person’s work area,” which in turn can boost employee creativity and productivity.

Elyria Kemp, an assistant professor of marketing at the University of New Orleans, says there’s more competition than ever for time and attention, and colour is “the silent salesperson.”

“We have so much stimuli in the environment,” she said. “That’s why it’s so important to have those distinctive colours that really stand out.”

Kemp is following colour trends in business and conducting her own research on the link between emotions and colour. She said she’s also looking at what colours consumers associate with certain services, such as transportation, health care, banks and financial services.

Kemp said when consumers make an evaluation of a product offering, typically they do this within 90 seconds or less, and more than half of their initial assessment is based on colour alone.

That’s why so many companies are researching their colour choices — to the tune of thousands of dollars, Kemp said — and trademarking the colours consumers have come to associate with their products, such as UPS’s Pullman brown, Home Depot’s vibrant orange and Tiffany & Co.’s distinct blue.

Joclyn Benedetto, spokeswoman for Tiffany & Co., based in New York City, said the diamonds and glamour of the company’s jewellery is linked to the signature Tiffany blue colour that wraps every creation. She said the colour was selected by founder Charles Lewis Tiffany for the cover of “Blue Book, Tiffany’s annual collection of exquisitely handcrafted jewels,” which was first published in 1845.

Coca-Cola’s signature red colour also dates back more than 100 years, when it was shipped in barrels painted red to differentiate it from beer barrels, said Ted Ryan, the company’s spokesman.