The headquarters of the International Monetary Fund. Lagarde became the first woman to lead the IMF, one that was known for male-dominated clubbiness well before the scandal involving Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Image Credit: EPA

Tokyo: Japan and China will seek to coordinate on supporting the International Monetary Fund's effort to contain Europe's debt crisis, Japanese Finance Minister Jun Azumi said.

"Rather than make decisions independently, we've agreed to consult each other very closely" on financial contributions to the IMF, Azumi told reporters on Saturday after meeting with Chinese Finance Minister Xie Xuren in Tokyo.

The finance ministers of Asia's two largest economies met before the Group of 20 countries gathering later this month in Washington. One topic at the G20 meeting will be increasing cooperation with the IMF.

The Fund needs more resources to shield the global economy from threats of strains on Europe's financial system, rising oil prices and high unemployment, Managing Director Christine Lagarde said last week.

"It won't probably be smooth for G20 nations to hammer out details for their contributions to the IMF," Tomoko Fujii, a senior foreign-exchange strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Tokyo, said before Azumi and Xie met. "It's important for Japan to check China's intention on this, while China probably wants to increase its political influence if it puts up money."

The IMF asked in January for as much as $500 billion (Dh1.8 trillion) in additional lending resources. Member countries have been reluctant to pitch in until European nations did more to help themselves. The US has refused to increase its contribution to the fund.

European finance ministers decided March 30 that €500 billion in fresh money would be added to the €300 billion already committed to create an €800 billion defence against the two-year-old turmoil. Euro-area finance chiefs insisted that they've fulfilled their side of the bargain.


"The firewall European nations presented in March isn't convincing enough to give momentum to discussions for other countries' financial contributions to the IMF," Fujii said.

Concerns about Europe's debt crisis were rekindled last week as Spain's borrowing costs surged on concern that the country's public debt will expand and the region's fourth- largest economy may ask for a bailout. Yields on Spain's 10-year bonds rose to a four-month high.

"Europe's crisis hasn't ended" even as the situation improves from last year, Azumi said yesterday. "This still needs careful monitoring and we can't yet become optimistic."

Azumi and Xie yesterday agreed the world economy continues to grow at a moderate pace even as many uncertainties still remain, according to a statement released by the Japanese finance ministry.

Yesterday's meeting is the second this year between the two finance ministers. Azumi visited Beijing in February and met Xie and Vice Premier Wang Qishan.

China last month pared this year's economic growth target to 7.5 per cent from the 8 per cent goal in place since 2005, part of government plans to tilt growth toward consumption and away from exports. In the fourth quarter of last year, the world's second-largest economy grew 8.9 per cent.

Strategy to avert crisis

Japan and China have yet to decide on cooperation with the IMF, and will continue their discussions on this until the G20 meeting, Japanese Finance Minister Jun Azumi said yesterday. The nations agreed to strengthen and expand Asia's regional currency swap agreement, sharing a view that "there is a need for Japan and China to cooperate to prevent crisis in Asia", he said.

Possible G20 support for the global economy could be similar to a G20 decision in April 2009 as part of plan to avoid the global economy from slipping into a recession. At the time, the US and Japan each contributed $100 billion, the EU $178 billion and China $50 billion.