Sydney: Computer networks at the Reserve Bank of Australia have been hacked, officials said on Monday, with some reportedly infected by Chinese-developed malware searching for sensitive information.
The central bank revealed the attacks after investigations by The Australian Financial Review found multiple computers had been compromised by malicious software seeking intelligence.
The newspaper said in one attack a Chinese-developed malware spy program was searching in 2011 for information on sensitive G20 negotiations, where Beijing’s exchange rate and currency reserves were on the agenda.
A Reserve Bank official confirmed the G20 virus and said it was confined to only “a few” computers. The official did not say what information was stolen or who was targeted, and would not confirm the Chinese connection.
A defence department official said the “targeting of high-profile events, such as the G20, by state-sponsored adversaries, cyber-criminals and issue-motivated groups is a real and persistent threat”.
“At least 65 per cent of cyber intrusions on Australian computers have an economic focus,” the official added.
“Cyber intruders are looking for information on Australia’s business dealings, intellectual property, scientific data and the government’s intentions.”
In another sophisticated incident in 2011, revealed on the central bank’s disclosure log under its freedom of information obligations, “targeted” emails were received regarding its strategic planning for 2012.
“Malicious email was highly targeted, utilising a possibly legitimate external account purporting to be a senior bank staff member,” an official report by the bank’s risk management unit said.