Kate Winslet Image Credit: Rex Features

British actress Kate Winslet is planning to move to London with her children so that they can be with their father director Sam Mendes as he begins shooting for his latest James Bond film.

The Oscar-winning filmmaker is expected to direct Daniel Craig in the latest 007 adventure by the end of next year and Winslet says that their son Joe, seven, and Mia, ten — her daughter from a previous relationship — will move to Britain for the duration of the film.


The couple parted ways last year but have remained on friendly terms for the sake of their children. "Sam is doing the next Bond film, all being well, and we'll all be in England if that happens. It's such a massive commitment for him and it's not fair for him to commute backwards and forwards to New York from London.

"It would be impossible. The children will be there with me," dailymail.co.uk quoted her as saying.

The actress, who has worked with Mendes in Revolutionary Road, doesn't rule out the possibility of working with him again. "I can see us working together again — that's the way it is. We're really good friends and have very good respect for each other. I can see it, but you'd have to ask Sam what he thinks," she added.