U.S. actress Meryl Streep Image Credit: Reuters

Meryl Streep was given a bouquet of flowers, a gift and a kiss at the Berlin film festival on Valentine's Day, and they weren't from her husband.

The 62-year-old actress on Tuesday received a lifetime achievement Golden Bear. At a packed press conference following a screening of her latest movie The Iron Lady, Streep reflected on the price of fame and on how playing Margaret Thatcher in the biopic had changed her opinion of the former British Prime Minister.

'How beautiful'

At one point, a journalist climbed up on stage, presented Streep with a bunch of white flowers and gave her a kiss. "How beautiful!" she said, adding later: "My husband didn't send me flowers, so thank God for Dieter!"

Another reporter gave her a Russian doll, each layer of which was painted to represent her in a different film role, including The Iron Lady and The Devil Wears Prada. Two days ago, the American won a best actress BAFTA award in London for The Iron Lady to add to the Golden Globe she received for the same role. She is a front-runner to scoop her third Oscar on February 26.

Out-of-body experience

Streep described the awards season as an "out of body experience."

"It's very odd to be in the position where people say to you, ‘Oh I think you're going to win something', or, ‘Oh I don't think you have a chance this year.'

"And suddenly you feel like you're in a sporting event and you haven't signed up for it. You did some work in a film that you're proud of and you are hoping that people will go and see it, and suddenly you're doing calisthenics for Superbowl."