Rufa Mae Quinto Image Credit: Supplied

Broken promise

Rufa Mae Quinto recently announced her wedding plans have been cancelled, but with whom, nobody knows. It's been quite some time now that the actress has been playing the "I-have-a-non-showbiz-boyfriend" card, and so would like to keep him private.

But interest in the boyfriend issue resurfaced after she made the announcement about her wedding cancellation last week. Sources say the actress is delusional and the boyfriend is imaginary. But others believe that the boyfriend is a powerful politician who promised to marry her once his marriage is annulled, which never happened, leaving the sexy comedienne out in the cold.

The latter seems more likely, given Quinto's attraction to married men. This time, she finally succeeded in keeping the relationship a secret. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't keep her man.

Cuena's too sexy for billboards

Moralists are protesting a billboard showing a sexy Jake Cuenca in his underwear, saying it's a distraction.

And it's not just this billboard, but similar adverts on Manila's major roads that the group wants to be removed. It's become a big issue, because some of the biggest clothing brands — local and international — are involved. Advertisers responsible for Cuenca's billboard say they haven't violated any rules, and it was done in good taste.

Meanwhile, Cuenca is enjoying the moment. "It's good, there's a lot of interest, and more offers are coming [my] way. It's not up to me, but as long as it's there, it's all good," he said.