It is normal to change with time, especially when it comes to hairstyle, make-up and clothes, Najwa says. Image Credit: Supplied

Finally  reconciled
Najwa Karam has finally reconciled with her brothers Nicolas and Tony after a long period of estrangement.

Nicolas had a sudden heart attack and Najwa rushed to the hospital to see him. The siblings had a falling out ten years earlier when Najwa got married to Yousef Harb, despite strong family opposition. Her family didn’t want her to marry a man who was already married and had children with his first wife, so Najwa decided to elope with Harb.

In addition, Najwa who had entrusted her brothers with her management and finances, passed these tasks on to Harb, upsetting her family even more. Unfortunately, their marriage didn’t last long, because Harb wasn’t able to take her to Canada. Although the marriage ended, the singer didn’t get in touch with her brothers until now.

Elissa plans to invest in property

Lebanese singer Elissa said she is planning to invest in real estate because she wants to secure her future. The singer wants to be financially independent and able to live a decent life even on her own.

Elissa insists that although she wants to get married and start a family, she would like to wait until she has found the right person. “I’ve always wanted to get married and to have children, but I feel that if I don’t find a suitable man, I shouldn’t start a family,” Elissa said.

Did You know...
Three famous Arab singers came together to celebrate Mother’s Day. Majid Al Muhandes, Fadhel Shaker and Angham recorded two songs written by Saudi Prince Turki Bin Talal Bin Abdul Aziz. The first song, My Mother is My Nation was sung by Al Muhandes, while My Mother’s Embrace is a duet by Shaker and Angham. The album is out in stores.

 Say what?

“I know the person  who told everyone  that I’m pregnant,  when I’m not. It’s  a colleague of mine who is trying to  steal my offers.”
Sireen Abdul Noor