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Everyone loves a holiday. That usually requires catching a flight to your dream destination. This means you create a carbon footprint that is by no measure a small one. Here are a few tips to ensure that the impact you make on the environment remains minimal.

Before you leave for a holiday

  1. Switch off and unplug all electrical appliances such as microwaves, toasters, TVs and DVD players. These can leak up to 40 watts per hour even if switched off but not unplugged.
  2. If you must fly, book direct flights. Most aviation fuel is consumed during take-off and landing. So the fewer flights you take to your destination, the better for the environment.
  3. Stop the newspaper service while you are away on holiday.
  4. If you must keep the air-conditioner on while away for indoor plants, ensure its thermostat is maintained at the lowest level possible. Or better still, have a friend look after your plants while you are away.
  5. Do your homework. Try planning your holiday with the help of websites such as www.ecofriendlytourist.com
  6. Choose wisely. There are hotels that go the distance in terms of lessening their impact on the environment. Various options are available at websites such as www.greenhotels.com. If you have friends at your holiday destination, staying with them is a great way of going green. Small home-run bed-and-breakfast rooms are always better than larger hotels and resorts.


While on holiday

  1. Choose cycling and walking tours instead of bus tours. These tours will not only provide you with exercise but they will also have little or no negative impact.
  2. Take a train or bus instead of a flight if the locations are not too far from each other. Walk or use public transport instead of hiring a car to go sightseeing.
  3. Avoid throwing away food and wasting precious resources.
  4. Try out the local cuisine as it is encourages local establishments to utilise local produce and avoid having to transport in exotic ingredients from other locations.
  5. Travel light and carry only the necessary requirements. Extra baggage takes more space, costs more money and ultimately utilises more aviation fuel.
  6. Reuse hotel towels and linen to avoid adding to the load on laundry services.


When you get back home

Many people wish there was something more they could do about the fact that they used flights to travel. The carbon emissions from your flight can be offset and you can make a positive difference even after you return home. You can visit websites such as www.airmiles.co.uk and calculate the carbon dioxide emitted by your flight. Then you can donate an amount towards offsetting that carbon emission. It's a voluntary programme which is gaining popularity all over the world.


Other websites, including www.terrapass.com, www.climatetrust.org and www.nativeenergy.com also offer this service.

- Andrea Bailey is a UAE-based freelance writer