Teaming up - Men in groups on a Friday outing near the Sonapur labour camps in Dubai. Image Credit: Sankha Kar

Recently we launched a campaign titled ‘Mission Sonapur’, which aims to reach out and thank labourers. In accordance with its tagline — Make Life Worth It — the mission is to collect give-aways that can be used on a daily basis by the workers.

Carol Pinto and I, both lecturers at an international Dubai-based university, first launched the idea to our students and colleagues. Surprisingly, the biggest support, contributions and donations came from the students who have realised the indelible need to make life worth it, for one and all.

Initially an in-house venture, Mission Sonapur soon reached social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, thus triggering an overwhelming response from Dubai residents.

A community effort, the campaign has been designed to fulfil the sole purpose it was created for — contributions for the workers. Resonating the essence of the campaign, Dubai-based Gold’s Gym stepped forward and pledged caps, water and power bites for all of 200 workers. In addition to the two organisers, six students have stepped forward and volunteered to help with the sorting, packaging and distribution of items.

‘Mission Sonapur’ encourages people and corporates to donate items such as hygiene products, blankets, bed spreads, towels, clothes, slippers, utensils and containers, which will be used to facilitate a hygienic method of food storage. The purpose is to give away anything that we do not need, or which we believe others may need.

All collections will be segregated into boxes and any financial contributions will be used to purchase food items and other basic necessities. The extraordinary response has led organisers to consider hiring freelance pick-ups to deliver the goods.

The campaign runs until July 25, with delivery scheduled to take place on Friday, August 2. We encourage everyone to contribute and be a part of this initiative. People can drop off all the items mentioned above on the fourth floor of Block 10 at Dubai International Academic City.

You can connect with the campaign on https://www.facebook.com/MissionSonapur.


The reader is based in Dubai.

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