Vishnu is the only son of Ramanathan and his wife Lakshmi. When Vishnu was nine years old, Ramanathan told me a true story about him. One day he found Vishnu sitting alone. Wrapped in his thoughts, he sighed as he unwrapped a piece of paper that held a tiny pebble. It belonged to the courtyard of his home back in his native village in India. Vishnu had found the pebble on one of his visits and brought it back to Dubai on return. He was so sentimentally attached to it. It had a place in his box of precious collections. I gave a sincere salute, to that young patriot who possessed deep sentiments for his homeland. Ramanathan’s face blushed with pride for his patriotic son. 
Years passed. Ramanathan settled back in India. Vishnu got a marvelous job in Dubai. When I visited Ramanathan, he talked extensively about the advantage of science and how it influenced the new generation to be away from the old. ‘Vishnu’s attachment had reduced to a distance between ‘Hi’ and ‘Bye’. He was busy with his gadgets now. “If we were born as those gadgets, we could be with him for more time,” sighed Ramanathan. Customary visits to relatives and friends had become exceptional. Even old aged and sick were not prioritised for a visit. Ramanathan was so sentimentally attached to Vishnu that he expected more love and care. He was hospitalised with a mild heart attack. Vishnu was informed immediately but busy with career development, and training, he could not find time to visit his ailing father. Lakshmi pacified Ramanathan saying that Vishnu is out of Dubai on an official trip and will come soon. Ramanathan passed away with his wish to see his son for the last time. When Vishnu came to do funeral rites, Lakshmi sobbed and extended a small scribbled note left by Ramanathan. “Love and take care of your Mum who loves you a lot, as I did. Please let her die in happiness unlike me. Thanks for your time! With immense love and blessings. Daddy.”

- The reader is a Dubai based freelancer