
More than 60 million copies have been sold worldwide of the book series, ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’. The fantasy novels written by American novelist and screenwriter George R. R. Martin portray the interwoven stories of various families living in the fictional continents Westeros and Essos and their battle for the ‘Iron Throne’.

Zoom in and you find a small part of this continent called Winterfell, where the Starks live. Zoom in further and you’ll come across the Stark children and their direwolves. It starts off with the discovery of five direwolf puppies. But to complete the circle, or perhaps to live up to one of the most common phrases in the books, that is ‘winter is coming’, an albino direwolf pup is found by Jon Snow. It also reflects on the fact that Snow is and always has been the odd one out for the family, and now so is this direwolf.

What’s his name? Ghost – seven in ten of our followers on Twitter got it right in a poll.

Ghost is seen by Snow’s side in times of need through the book series. However, and the following sentence is a spoiler so read at your own risk, in the latest book, ‘A Dance with Dragons’, as Snow is betrayed and stabbed by his own men at Castle Black, Ghost is unable to help his master. His fate remains unknown, but popular fan theories state that he will be playing an important role in Snow’s return. Do you agree with these theories? What do you think will happen in the next book, ‘The Winds of Winter’? Share your views at readers@gulfnews.com

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