
I think corporal punishment should not be allowed in any case, under any name or with any pretext. Even verbal punishment should not be carried out because this will just have a negative psychological and emotional effect on their lives and will hinder their outgoing spirit. They will not be able to speak their mind and will always be scared that they will be punished for the ideas they may have.

Children today at the age of 10 are very mature in their thinking and have a whole perspective on life. We have to treat them as mature individuals. From my experience, it is completely possible to teach without using corporal punishment. It all depends on the personality of the teacher and how they manage the class and handle students. In any field, you have to have work with people and make sure they can work with you. Corporal puishment is the resort for people who are unable to deal with the situation in a better way. It is the solution for the weakest – because they cannot manage the situation, they use their physical power over weaker students.

There are so many ways to deal with children, you have to treat every child differently. There are some children who are talkative, they should be given time to talk; there are some children who like to reflect, they should be given time to reflect; there are some children who are artists at heart, they should be given time to do what they want to do. You have to treat them in their own way so that they have the ability to do what they love to do. The moment they do that, you have been succesful at your job as a teacher.

- The reader is a teacher based in Al Ain