
Last Saturday, I was shocked to see three men cleaning the windows of a building using a hose with strong water pressure. I don’t think this should be allowed because it wastes a lot of water, which is harmful to the environment.

As we all know, water is very precious to our wellbeing. We need water to survive, but we waste water like this, which will be a danger to our future. People need to be more concerned about how they use water, especially in this region of the world, where it is more desert and water is naturally scarce. When I saw the people cleaning the glass with a full force of water, I was shocked as I had never seen this before. Previously, when I saw windows being cleaned, it was done with a small amount of water, where a lot of it was conserved.

We need to make people understand the importance of water. How can this be done? People can’t be forced to use water wisely, but we can do it through posters and advertisements. We must not wait for the government to do it, instead we should be responsible on our own.

A great example is the environmental day where every school in the UAE was involved in contributing something to the environment. How can we conserve water while cleaning a building’s exterior? I’m sure other readers would have a lot of innovative ideas. Let’s put our hands together and protect our planet earth’s most precious resources.

- This reader is a student at Our Own English High School in Abu Dhabi

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