Inform consumers of risks

Known carcinogenic product should be banned. Consumers should be made aware of the fact that there are some products that have inherent risks. Public campaigns have a larger role to play in this area. Known carcinogenic products should be banned or at least carry a compulsory warning in bold and readable size print so that consumers make an informed choice.

From Ms Asmita Shirke Deshpande


Better to substitute

Deodorants have ingredients like aluminium as the active ingredient. You can read more into it but, whether it’s true or false, it doesn’t matter. We need to avoid everything that is associated with a risk of cancer, such as cosmetics, creams, shampoos, gels – all of these can be replaced with other methods to clean. For example, you can substitute deodorant by cleaning more and later using amber and other scents to burn and run through your clothes and use rose water. Things like that.

From Ms Chafiqa Zeyneb Bel Mahi


Live your life!

You can’t live a life in fear of cancer. Of course, it makes sense to avoid smoking and a sedentary lifestyle, but some people are more susceptible than others. If you’re usually eating well, drinking water and not getting too much sun exposure, you’ll probably be fine. Live you life – eat the chips, drink the coffee, devour a burger and have fun. Unless you’re doing too much of a bad thing, you can’t let this dictate your life.

From Mr George Timothy


Stricter measures needed!

No way! Without a doubt, manufacturers are out to make a quick buck at the expense of the public that falls for the better tasting, better smelling or better feeling products. We often fail to read or understand the fine print under the ingredient section. And then, we rue about the fact that we are sick. It is high-time carcinogens are banned and stricter measures are taken to ensure products are safe.

From Mr Annu Alexander


Take care of yourself

Every food you eat has an influence on your body that could either make you healthy or result in sickness. It is better for there to be laboratory tests of each food product before marketing them. It should be done from the source. I would also think it’s important to keep your surroundings - your body, clothes and home - neat and tidy. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Daily exercise and yoga can give some relief from this deadly disease. Avoid junk food and oily food. Banning certain food products that could cause cancer is not a solution. Prevention is always better than the cure.

From Mr Thottikamath Balaraman


Modern day eating

If we start to eat the food that our forefathers were eating hundreds of years ago, I don’t think we would see cancer like we do now. All these lifestyle diseases will end.

From Mr Shahid Syed


Diet and exercise

A strict diet against cancer is feasible, coupled with exercise for prevention. If you have received the cancer death sentence, there is nothing wrong in trying whatever possible to fight it.

From Mr Gregory Roderique Rossouw-Roberts


Toxins are everywhere

Years of research reveal that carcinogens should be avoided. Some of the main causes are due to workplace exposure, nutrition, tobacco, household exposures, chemical treatment, steroid administration, light radiation and pollution. Today, pollution is one of the root causes for this. One should be careful and follow this for longevity.

From Mr K. Ragavan

Bengaluru, India

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