A circular by the UAE Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, issued on Saturday, stated that private sector workers in the UAE would get a holiday to mark the Islamic New Year on February 2, but public sector employees would get a holiday on February 1.

How do you feel about the holiday falling on a Thursday? Email your thoughts to feedback@gulfnews.com

A selection of your emails will be published on this page. We reserve the right to edit emails for length and clarity. We cannot guarantee all emails will be published.

I want to know why the celebration of Islamic Hijri year has been split for the public and private sectors. All sectors should celebrate the holiday on the same day.

The private sector must also get public holidays as they are declared. Why does anyone want partiality?

Whatever day the government gives us to celebrate a holiday on, we are thankful ? at least we can use that day to spend time with our family and friends.

It is not fair that private sector employees get a holiday on Thursday because that?s a half-day for us. There needs to be equal treatment.

We should not be greedy in getting more than what we are entitled to. The government postponed the public holiday with the good intention of adding it to the weekend, which should be appreciated.

I would like to add that this is just another discrepancy (apart from salary and timings) between the private and public sector.

On what grounds do the public sectors get more holidays than the private sector? Is it because they work harder than us or what? It?s always been a mystery to me.

The discrimination claimed by other readers is actually not intended as discrimination.  The holiday has been arranged this way so that the public sector can enjoy a three day weekend as their weekend falls on Thursday and Friday, while the private sector who enjoy a Friday - Saturday weekend can still enjoy a 3 day weekend. That?s why they get Thursday instead of Wednesday. Well Done!

Shifting a holiday to Thursday causes some employees to lose a half day?s holiday. We work one hour extra every day to get two day weekends ? the shifting has resulted in losing a holiday plus unaccounted extra hours of work.

It's high time that the authorities adopt more standard legislation in terms of weekends. Besides causing ill feeling between the private and public sectors, the lack of uniformity certainly results in diminished productivity and negativity. Business dealings and relationships between the private and public sectors (e.g. large MNC's servicing banks, etc) are often impacted when one of the two sectors is off for the day and the other is obliged to work. I think it would be prudent to standardise the weekend as Friday and Saturday.  If a standardised weekend structure does ever get adopted, the issue of public holidays will then become irrelevant. Come on Dubai - this would be a step in the right direction.

I welcome one day holiday even if it is on Thursday which is better than not getting one. Most of the private sector works on Thursdays.

A lot of private sector work is based on banks and customs. When the banks are closed, customs is open and vice versa.  Banks are working on Thursday and so the private sector has to work. Most small private sector employees are not going to enjoy any of the holidays, either on Wednesday or Thursday. It?s very bad.

My company works a full day on Thursdays so I have not had the thrill of relaxation on a Thursday.  Life in Dubai is mechanical and sometimes very hectic too, especially if you live here with family. This holiday falling on Thursday gives me a very happy feeling like seeing my parents after a very long gap does. Yes, this holiday falling on Thursday is going to be a happy occasion as my wedding anniversary also falls on February 2nd.

Those who cannot acclimatise to such working conditions are always welcome to leave.

Why this discrimination? Employees from the public sector and private sector should be treated equally.
Abu Dhabi

Dubai has always been progressive in its approach in almost everything. Please do not practice such discrimination.

I feel that the changing of the date is highly inappropriate. The holiday on Islamic New Year or any other related holidays is given to mark the occasion and changing these dates for whatever reason makes it lose its very purpose. Hence these holidays should be left as it is.
M S Ali

It's good that the UAE Ministry of Labour has considered both public and private sector employees when announcing the holidays so that every one can enjoy their holidays without having their weekly days off affected. 

Holidays should be celebrated on same day for everyone.

We should be given time off on the day which the Islamic New Year starts. You don't celebrate 1 January on the 2nd or 3rd so why is this different? The holiday should fall on 31 January or not at all.

There should be uniformity in declaring holidays for the public and private sector.
It's totally unfair that holidays are not celebrated on the same day. Don't move it before or after. And do not divide human beings into two sectors. Private sector people work just as hard as public sector employees, too.

The horrendous noise of cranes, drilling and offloading of materials on construction sites well into the night is one thing but to have these for wake up calls on a Friday morning and every public holiday is just not acceptable.

Most companies work full days on Thursdays. We too are human beings who would like to have two days holiday once in a while. Don't be selfish please.

A holiday should not be postponed to another day for the convenience of a few and at the deprivation of many.
Abu Dhabi

Why is the public sector always given the edge on enjoying holidays? The Ministry of Labour should recognise we need an equal share of holidays too. The Islamic New Year falling as a holiday on a Thursday is useless for those of us who already have this as part of our weekend. I hope the Ministry changes this.
A Reader

In the UAE, an Islamic country, the Islamic New Year has been postponed. In that case why did the Ministry of Labour celebrate New Year on 1 January 2006? Why it was not proponed on 29 December 2005 or postponed until 5 January 2006?

By declaring Thursday a holiday for the private sector, the authorities are indirectly discouraging UAE Nationals from joining private companies.
A Reader

There should be some kind of uniformity in announcing holidays for both public and private sectors. There is in the rest of the world.
A Reader

The UAE government works out public holidays in a way that benefits only those employed in public sectors. There is huge discrimination when it comes to holidays. Hijra actually falls on Tuesday. There is no value for the day as such on Thursday.
Abu Dhabi

Email your thoughts to feedback@gulfnews.com