Krystal Sakhrani (center) during the book signing ceremony at the Gold and Diamond Park, in Dubai. Image Credit: A.K Kallouche/Xpress

Dubai At an age when most kids form opinions based on what their favourite comic characters do, nine-year-old Indian girl Krystal Sakhrani has written a book offering some meaningful life choices to her school-going friends.

Titled I Am A Star and You Are One Too, the book was launched just last month and for Dh33 it is now available across Kinokuniya and Magrudy’s stores in the country.

Message for all

“The book has got a message for all of us. It’s about self-belief and self-motivation,” says mum Tirpata who grew up in Indonesia before making Dubai her home around 15 years ago.

While Krystal’s story may not be quite on the lines of Jonathan Livingstone Seagull – the famous fable about a seagull learning life and flight – it does talk about how the protagonist, who at first thinks he is incapable of doing anything, is later pushed to realise that he can achieve anything he puts his mind to.

Cherished dream

A year five student of the Jumeirah Public School and the elder of two siblings, Krystal says she loves going to school, writing, reading and sports, but nothing beats the feeling of becoming an author. As a result a bulk of her weekends now is spent meeting new friends and signing books at bookstores, something she says she is cherishing.

Having written the 20-page book with the help of her mum after school hours, Krystal says she started the book as a hobby during her Easter break in April. “Now I am motivated to pen a few more titles. One of those stories would surely be about how every-one is special in his or her own way. I also write a book on how to stand up to bullying,” the One Direction fan said.