
Frederick Douglass came alive on social media after a confusing statement by Trump. The US President kicked off Black History Month with a statement referring to the long-dead abolitionist — who died in 1895 — as “an example of somebody who has done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice.”

His speech also saw Trump name all the black people he knows or knows of, like Housing Secretary Ben Carson, Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Omarosa Manigault.

#TrumpOnBlackHistory - The hashtag started treding due to Trump’s comment that suggested that he might think Frederick Douglass is still alive. It sparked a resurrection of sorts for Douglass on Twitter as users weighed in on Trump’s seeming confusion.

David Reed: “I’m glad to hear that Frederick Douglass is doing well, and getting more and more recognized for whatever it is that he does, or did, or will do in the future. Wait, was he the guy with the peanuts? #trumponblackhistory”

Kristen Cardona: “Wanda K Stallings, remember last year when we posted on Black History month in here? Well I’m thinking we need to move to twitter and educate the US President. #TrumpOnBlackHistory — feeling sad.”

@NotARaja: “Believe me, I was there the night #FrederickDouglass knocked out Iron Mike Tyson. Yuge upset. Bigly. #TrumpOnBlackHistory”

@AnUncivilPhD: “‘Wanted Martin Luther King at breakfast so he could tell me about his bigly dream. No response. SAD.’ #TrumpOnBlackHistory”

@pattonoswalt: “ ‘How ‘bout that Rosa Parks? Our night nurse is named Rosa, you know. I talked her into doing weekends free.’ #TrumpOnBlackHistory”

@sjredmond: “Rosa Parks refused to sit at the back of the bus. Good for her. Hell, I wouldn’t even sit at the front of a bus. #TrumpOnBlackHistory”

@kps67: “#TrumpOnBlackHistory Denzel Washington is a good actor, a little overrated. Let’s see him play a white guy.”

@babiecee: “Trump thinking Frederick Douglass is some “amazing” living guy is what happens when you privatise education. #BetsyDeVos #TrumpOnBlackHistory”

@timjacobwise: “#TrumpOnBlackHistory ‘I know more about black history than the blacks...Believe me!’”

#ImpeachAlready - The hashtag urges US to impeach Donald Trump.

@andyjiminlex: “#impeachalready before Donald J Trump’s unintelligent and ill-informed war games kill more children!”

@ThatWomanThing: “#ImpeachTrump #impeachalready #Trumprussia with hashtags like this I suspect it is #Unpresidented, but so is #FascismInAmerica until 2017.”

@CheleJohnson2: “Trump is supposedly attending the National Prayer Breakfast. Don’t you have to have Christian values to be there?”

@Jvirden22: “I did NOT vote for this disrespectful narcissist. #Ignorant #Unstable #ImpeachAlready”

@CheleJohnson2: “Quiet protests are turning violent. Another civil war is starting. Now it’s us versus us instead of us versus them. #resist #impeachalready”

@KimLMathers: “@GOP We just want to go back to being an ordinary democracy where political parties both play by the rules. Too much to ask? #ImpeachAlready”

@oppoTrump: “Although, with everything he says and does, @realDonaldTrump is pretty much destroying himself. #impeachalready”

Royce Lennox: “I’m a Muslim, register me. I’m Mexican, deport me. I’m a African American, imprison me. I am poor, blame me. I am elderly, privatise me. I am a woman, defund me. I am homeless, ignore me. I am disabled, bully me. I am sick, un-insure me. I am indigenous, pollute me. I am a veteran, voucher me. I am an American lie to me.”