Dubai: Three workers of a factory that manufactures mechanical systems in Dubai have been accused of stealing Dh1.5 million over a period of four years.

The Indian trio, R.R., M.K. and R.G., were said to have abused their job as factory workers and embezzled Dh1.5 million in revenues that were made between 2012 and January 2016.

Prosecutors accused the three factory workers of robbing their employer.

Two of the suspects pleaded not guilty when they appeared before the Dubai Court of First Instance on Monday.

According to the charges sheet, prosecutors said the trio cheated their employer [factory owner] and stole from him part of the revenues that were made from selling mechanical systems between 2012 and 2016.

“I did not steal,” R.R. told presiding judge Urfan Omar.

His accomplice, R.G. also pleaded not guilty.

M.K. pleaded guilty and claimed that he took products from R.R. and sold them in the market but maintained the he paid back Dh400,000 to his employer.

“Did you keep the money for yourself,” presiding judge Omar asked M.K.

“Yes, I kept it but then I paid it back … R.R. gave me the items which I sold in the market,” he replied.

One of the factory’s Indian supervisors claimed to prosecutors that the suspects abused the authority granted to them and stole the money.

“When we confronted the suspects with what they had embezzled, they signed written confessions confirming that they had stolen the money,” the supervisor testified to prosecutors.

Meanwhile the factory’s Indian accountant testified to prosecutors that an internal audit revealed a huge deficit in the revenues that had been expected from selling their products between 2012 and 2016.

“The audit exposed that the money had been embezzled … we summoned R.R., who had been working as the factory’s assistant manager, for an administrative investigation. He admitted that M.K., R.G. and he had jointly embezzled the factory’s revenues. He claimed that they used to sell the mechanical systems without mentioning that in the factory’s books,” the accountant claimed to prosecutors.

Records said the three defendants signed written confessions in which they admitted that they had embezzled Dh1.5 million.

The trial continues.