The team of Anand Lakhiani and Nelly Amarnani with George Duncan and Neil Wilford of sponsors Bentley. Image Credit: Courtesy: Organisers

Dubai: Anand Lakhiani and Nelly Amarnani won the Indian Golfers Society’s (IGS) Summer Open with a net score of 62.2 at Emirates Golf Club last weekend.

Sergy D’Souza and Caji Mendonca finished second with a score of 62.9, followed by Balvinder Sandhu and Anil Shivanna in third with a score of 64.8.

Sponsored by Bentley, the IGS’s season-ender followed a two-man Texas Scramble stroke-play format and attracted a full field.

Awards for the longest drive went to Gurmeet Johan, Surjit Namli and Chanchal Nanda on the fifth, third and 12th holes, respectively. Meanwhile, Joseph Andrade, Vivek Sharma and Mukesh Kochar won nearest-the-pin prizes for their efforts on the 16th and seventh holes.

George Duncan, director of Bentley Emirates, presented the main prizes and thanked all players for making the event a great success. He also promised to continue his support of the society’s events.

The society played host to four tournaments this season, beginning with the Independence Day Cup at the Montgomerie Golf Club in October, which was followed by the IGS Corporate Tournament at Dubai Creek Golf and Yacht Club in January, the IGS Pairs tournament at Al Badia Golf Club in April, culminating with the Summer Open.

The society gave their sincere appreciation to support sponsors that included Anand Kapoor (Midcom), Mukesh Kochar (Rich Rice), D Nath (Arabian International Partners Ltd), David Freeborn (Chivas) and Antoin Breene.